Australia-wide CASA Certified Drone Training Provider

Remote Pilot Licence (RePL) - Powered Lift

Wicked Copters is the only CASA-certified drone training organisation approved to the new 2023 Manual of Standards (MOS) to offer up to 25kg Multi Rotor, Aeroplane, Helicopter and Powered Lift drone training. Wicked Copters is also approved by CASA for sub 150 kg (Medium RePL, model specific). We also provide a number of specialised and industry-focused advanced courses.

We have the industry’s best practice instructor-to-student ratios - one instructor to two students in the field for Multi Rotor, and one on one for all other types. As new commercial drone models are increasing in capabilities and weight above 7kg (such as DJI Matrice 350), we recommend you complete a sub 25kg weight class wherever possible for future proofing your skill sets and employer demands.

CASA have various pathways to obtain/vary the Powered Lift RePL, such as:

RePL - Initial

Obtain your initial Powered Lift Remote Pilot Licence (RePL) with no manned aviation experience or existing RePL.

RePL - Manned

Initial Powered Lift RePL for Flight Crew Licence holders.

RePL - Existing

Upgrade your existing sub 7kg Powered Lift RePL to 25kg.

RePL - Add Type

Expand your existing RePL to include Powered Lift.

Please contact us for any of your RPA needs - from drones through to corporate and / or specialised training. We can bundle discounted products and training to suite you.